Maple Story Str To Dmg

So you've decided to become a Spearman, eh? There are some things that you should know.

Maplestory Reboot Guide Created by 4phantom1 / updated by pocket. Foreword: It’s about 15k words in length so it’s fairly wordy but I believe does a decent job of explaining some of the gear progression mechanics and game knowledge to newer and older players. Nebulite S - Reflect Damage 1: 10% chance to reflect 20% damage. Nebulite S - Reflect Damage 2: 10% chance to reflect 30% damage. Nebulite S - Reflect Damage 3: 20% chance to reflect 35% damage.

  • A common misconception in MapleStory is that the maximum damage range is 2m2m. While this is the maximum displayed damage range, there is no bound on the actual damage range. The creation of this tool was motivated by this fact, and is intended to allow funded players to monitor the effects of their upgrades after 2m2m range.
  • Level 1 STR +3, DEX +3. Level 10 STR +30, DEX +30. Final Attack: Dual Bow Gun (Pre-requisite: Dual Bow Gun Mastery Lv. 3) Dual Bow Gun Mastery level 3 is the requirement. If you have a dual gun.
* Uses spears and polearms
* Polearms have a stronger slash
* Spears have a stronger stab
* Weapons have long reach
* Fancy 3rd job skills
* Strongest raw attack
* Many multi-hit moves in 3rd job
* Hyper Body allows them to have much more HP and MP
* Since advancing to Spearman gives you more MP, they have the most MP out of all the warriors
* Spears and Polearms are slow
* Spears do less damage when slashing
* Polearms do less damage when stabbing
* Hardest class to use
* Very big range between minimum and maximum damage
* Lower defense than Page and Fighter because they have no Power Guard
Spears: Pros- Slightly faster attack when you stab, and more dmg when you stab
----Cons- Spears at level 50+ = expensive
Slash dmg= weak
Polearms: Pros: Strong slash dmg, prices of polearms slightly less expensive
----Cons- weak at stab, no level 40 polearm out in game yet
Now that that's done, let's talk about the basics
~~~~~~~~Skills of the Warrior~~~~~~~
Order of what you should get**
1. HP Recovery: 5
2. Improving Max HP Increase: 10
3. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 10
4. Save 10 points*
5. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 20 (MAX)
6. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 10
7. Save 10 points*
8. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 20 (MAX)
9. Endure: 3
10. Iron Body: 3
Now that that's done, let's talk about Spearmans.
Spearmans are overall strong and flexible, with skills that is really helpful in parties, and they are really cool :D~
Your Stats Distribution should go somewhere along these lines; if your a 4/4 build
Remeber: Dex= Important
Stat Build (In increments of every 5 levels, starting from level 10)[%3]
Level 10: 40 Str, 22 Dex
Level 15: 55 Str, 32 Dex
Level 20: 70 Str, 42 Dex
Level 25: 85 Str, 52 Dex
Level 30: 100 Str, 62 Dex
Level 35: 120 Str, 67 Dex
Level 40: 140 Str, 72 Dex
Level 45: 160 Str, 77 Dex
Level 50: 180 Str, 82 Dex
Level 55: 200 Str, 87 Dex
Level 60: 220 Str, 92 Dex
Level 65: 240 Str, 97 Dex
Level 70: 260 Str, 102 Dex
From levels 10-30, your DEX should be 2X your level and REST in Str
From levels 30-70, your points should go into 4 str, 1 dex per level
Skill Points Distribution
Spending your SP correctly will make your life as a Spearman much more enjoyable, and hopefully a fair bit easier too, so heres my advice as to how to spend it.
Level 10 Job Transition > 1 SP > Improving HP Recovery
Level 11 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Improving HP Recovery
Level 12 Level Up > 3 SP > +1 Improving HP Recovery, +2 Increasing Max HP Increase
Level 13 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Increasing Max HP Increase
Level 14 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Increasing Max HP Increase
Level 15 Level Up > 3 SP > +2 Increasing Max HP Increase, +1 Power Strike
Level 16 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Slash Blast
Level 17 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Slash Blast
Level 18 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Slash Blast
Level 19 Level Up > 3 SP > +1 Slash Blast
Level 20 Level Up > 5 SP > Save SP
Level 21 Level Up > 8 SP > Save SP
Level 22 Level Up > 11 SP > +10 Slash Blast, +1 Power Strike
Level 23 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Power Strike
Level 24 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Power Strike
Level 25 Level Up > 3 SP > +2 Power Strike
Level 26 Level Up > 4 SP > Save SP
Level 27 Level Up > 7 SP > Save SP
Level 28 Level Up > 10 SP > +10 Power Strike
Level 29 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Endure
Level 30 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Iron Body

Maplestory Str To Dmg File

****2nd Class (Spearman)
Level 30 > SP 1 > +1 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 31 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 32 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 33 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 34 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 35 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 36 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 37 > SP 3 > +1 Spear/ Polearm Mastery (Maxed), +2 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 38 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 39 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 40 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 41 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 42 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Iron Will
Level 43 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Iron Will
Level 44 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Iron Will
Level 45 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Hyper Body
Level 46 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Hyper Body
Level 47 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Hyper Body
Level 48 > SP 3 > +3 Final Attack Spear/Polearm
Level 49 > SP 3 > +3 Final Attack Spear/Polearm
Level 50 > SP 3 > +3 Final Attack Spear/Polearm
Level 51 > SP 3 > +1 Final Attack Spear/Polearm (Maxed),+2 Hyper Body
Level 52 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 53 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 54 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 55 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 56 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 57 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 58 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 59 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 60 > SP 3 > +1 Hyper Body (maxed), +2 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 61 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 62 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm BoosterMaple Story Str To Dmg
Level 63 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Booster

Maple Story Str To Dmg Convert

Level 64 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Booster(Maxed)
Level 65 > SP 3 > +3 Iron BODY
Level 66 > SP 3 > +3 Iron BODY
Level 67 > SP 3 > +3 Iron BODY
Level 68 > SP 3 > +3 Iron BODY
Level 69 > SP 3 > +3 Iron BODY
Level 70 > SP 3 > +2 Iron Body, 1 Point left for whatever
*****Ending Stats:
Spear/Polearm Mastery: 20
Spear/Polearm Final Attack: 30
Spear/Polearm Booster: 18
Iron Will: 3
Hyper Body: 30
*****1st Class Skills:

Maple Story Str To Dmg Download

Increasing Max HP Recovery: 5
Increasing Max HP Increase: 10
Endure: 3
Iron Body: 20
Power Strike: 20
Slash Blast: 20
Training Spots:
Level 1-10 Maple Island (Basically Snails)
Level 5-10 Heneyes Hunting Ground I (Yet more Snails)
Level 10-13 Mushroom Garden (Snails, Mushrooms)
Level 13-18 Slime Tree (ALOT OF SLIMES!)
Level 18-25 Green Mushrooms (Mmm.. Green mushrooms! Also you can get a chance to find a panlid o.o;)
Level 21-30 PQ
Level 21-25 Axe Stumps
Level 25-30 Pig Beach
Level 27-32 Horned Mushrooms
Level 32-40 Wild Boars
Level 35-50 Evil Eyes
Level 35-50 Cursed Eyes
Level 40-45 Dangerous Valley
Level 45-50 Sleepywood Dungeon III,IV, or V with a party
Level 45-52 Drakes Hunting Ground, or Entrance of Stone Golem Temple
Level 48-50 Hot Sand (Lorangs Clangs and Umtis)
Level 52-60 Wild Cargos Area, Dangerous Crokos II, or Drakes Meal Table, or if you have a party Tauromacis
Level 60-70 Tauromacis, Taurospears, Cargos, Drakes Meal Table, Wild Cargos Area, and anywhere else you want to kill
* I've put different areas of where you can train because, sometimes you might get bored. From alot of experience (and pissing off Shoy) I put alot of places you can train so you won't get bored all the time
for alot of the warrior information
Xephon's Spearman

Maplestory Str To Dmg Mod

Faq for alot of useful information
Other useful Links:
Luffy's guide to hidden streets you might not know is
Questions and Answers
1. I heard that you should only get 19 Mastery, but your guide says 20.
A: Well, Lvl 20 mastery does NOT add damage, but it adds 1 more Accuarcy, which is useful and for 1 acc, you need 1-2 more dex for just 1 more acc

Maplestory Str To Dmg Hack

2. Why Iron Body? Why not Iron Wall/Will
A: Iron body is like.. your wearing another armor if maxed. The 40 more defence boost can help you alot, reducing around 20 dmg which can save alot of potions. I Iron Will though adds 20 Def and 20 Mdef. Both are good but, alot of monsters have physical dmg, and you'll probably fighting alot of them. If you want more mdef, just use Ancient Saps,etc
**Note** It's your choice on what you decided to use, both are good, but I perfer Iron Body. If you Do want Iron Will, then that's your choice, just replace the last points to iron will instead of body and your set
3. At level 30-70 I hear people saying putting 5 str each level until 35 to wear your gloves, and then some weird way to distribute your other stat points
A: At level 35, if you do the 4 Str, 1 Dex method, then you will have 120 Str, 5 short of the Dark Briggons, but, you can get +Str, from armors such as White Cross Chainmails to boost your str to wear the gloves
4. Can you redo the stat distribution? Because by level 40, you only have 140 str, but you need 150 to wear Adamantine Knuckles
A: I know the lvl 40 gloves needs 150 str, when I was level 40, I only had 140, but my your level 40 equip should boost your str enough to wear your gloves. Even if you don't get enough str by your things, your next levels will allow you to
5. I wanna go full spear, but theres no spear for lvl 20-30, is polearm the same or does it make difference?
A: Auctually, there is a level 20 spear called 'Fish Spear' and Bubblings drop them.For the most part, it doesn't matter if you use a spear or polearm at levels 20-30, anything that you can kill with is fine

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NEWS :: MapleStory Spearman Guide by Gamerluck Jimmy2011-01-18

MapleStory Spearman Guide

hey maple players, this is Jim from, so you've decided to become a Spearman, eh? There are some things that you should know. I will show you some advantages of being a spearman, if you want make maplestory mesos through spearman; this guide helps you to make your wish come true.
* Uses spears and polearms
* Pol Spearman’s earms have a stronger slash
* Spears have a stronger stab
* Weapons have long reach
* Fancy 3rd job skills
* Strongest raw attack
* Many multi-hit moves in 3rd job
* Hyper Body allows them to have much more HP and MP
* since advancing to Spearman gives you more MP, they have the most MP out of all the warriors
* Very useful on making maplestory mesos
* Spears and Polearms are slow
* Spears do less damage when slashing
* Polearms do less damage when stabbing
* hardest class to use, but after you controlled it well, you will be awesome
* Very big range between minimum and maximum damage
* Lower defense than Page and Fighter because they have no Power Guard
Spears: Pros- Slightly faster attack when you stab, and more damage when you stab
----Cons- Spears at level 50+ = expensive, Slash damage= weak, Polearms: Pros: Strong slash damage, prices of polearms slightly less expensive
----Cons- weak at stab, no level 40 polearm out in game yet
Now that that's done, let's talk about the basics
Order of what you should get
1. HP Recovery: 5
2. Improving Max HP Increase: 10
3. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 10
4. Save 10 points*
5. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 20 (MAX)
6. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 10
7. Save 10 points*
8. Slash Blast or Power Strike: 20 (MAX)
9. Endure: 3
10. Iron Body: 3
Spearmans are overall strong and flexible, with skills that are really helpful in parties, and they are really cool: D~ our Stats Distribution should go somewhere along these lines; if you’re a 4/4 build
QUOTE (Xephon) in following part, its very important, you should remember all these steps, and make sure your every movement is correct, don’t mess up your maplestory account skill point, I will post better training guide after I talk with gamerluck’s powerleveler next time, they always help me to update new training guide.
Stat Build (In increments of every 5 levels, starting from level 10) [%3]
Level 10: 40 Str, 22 Dex
Level 15: 55 Str, 32 Dex
Level 20: 70 Str, 42 Dex
Level 25: 85 Str, 52 Dex
Level 30: 100 Str, 62 Dex
Level 35: 120 Str, 67 Dex
Level 40: 140 Str, 72 Dex
Level 45: 160 Str, 77 Dex
Level 50: 180 Str, 82 Dex
Level 55: 200 Str, 87 Dex
Level 60: 220 Str, 92 Dex
Level 65: 240 Str, 97 Dex
Level 70: 260 Str, 102 Dex
From levels 10-30, your DEX should be 2X your level and REST in Str
From levels 30-70, your points should go into 4 str, 1 dex per level
Skill Points Distribution
QUOTE (Xephon)
Spending your SP correctly will make your life as a Spearman much more enjoyable, and hopefully a fair bit easier too, so heres my advice as to how to spend it.
Level 10 Job Transition > 1 SP > Improving HP Recovery
Level 11 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Improving HP Recovery
Level 12 Level Up > 3 SP > +1 Improving HP Recovery, +2 Increasing Max HP
Level 13 to Level 14 Up > 3 SP > +3 Increasing Max HP Increase
Level 15 Level Up > 3 SP > +2 Increasing Max HP Increase, +1 Power Strike
Level 16 to Level 19 Level Up > 3 SP > Slash Blast
Level 20 Level Up > 5 SP > Save SP
Level 21 Level Up > 8 SP > Save SP
Level 22 Level Up > 11 SP > +10 Slash Blast, +1 Power Strike
Level 23 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Power Strike
Level 24 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Power Strike
Level 25 Level Up > 3 SP > +2 Power Strike
Level 26 Level Up > 4 SP > Save SP
Level 27 Level Up > 7 SP > Save SP
Level 28 Level Up > 10 SP > +10 Power Strike
Level 29 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Endure
Level 30 Level Up > 3 SP > +3 Iron Body
****2nd Class (Spearman)
Level 30 to 36 > SP 1 > +1 Spear/Polearm Mastery
Level 37 > SP 3 > +1 Spear/ Polearm Mastery (Maxed), +2 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 38 to Level 41> SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 42 to Level 44> SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Iron Will
Level 45 to level 47 > SP 3 > +2 Final Attack Spear/Polearm, +1 Hyper Body
Level 48 to level 50 > SP 3 > +3 Final Attack Spear/Polearm
Level 51 > SP 3 > +1 Final Attack Spear/Polearm (Maxed),+2 Hyper Body
Level 52 to level 59 > SP 3 > +3 Hyper Body
Level 60 > SP 3 > +1 Hyper Body (maxed), +2 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 61 to level 64 > SP 3 > +3 Spear/Polearm Booster
Level 65 to level 69 > SP 3 > +3 Iron BODY
Level 70 > SP 3 > +2 Iron Body, 1 Point left for whatever
*****Ending Stats:
Spear/Polearm Mastery: 20, Spear/Polearm, Final Attack: 30 Spear/Polearm Booster: 18, Iron Will: 3
Hyper Body: 30
*****1st Class Skills:
Increasing Max HP Recovery: 5
Increasing Max HP Increase: 10
Iron Body: 20, Power Strike: 20, slash Blast: 20
Training Areas:
Level 1-10 Maple Island (Basically Snails)
Level 5-10 Heneyes Hunting Ground I (Yet more Snails)
Level 10-13 Mushroom Garden (Snails, Mushrooms)
Level 13-18 Slime Tree (ALOT OF SLIMES!)
Level 18-25 Green Mushrooms (Mmm.. Green mushrooms! Also you can get a chance to find a panlid o.o;) these places I got told by gamerluck’s maplestory powerleveler, they are professional on maplestory powerleveling, so I think its good for you to training here.
Level 21-30 PQ or Level 21-25 Axe Stumps Level 25-30 Pig Beach
Level 27-32 Horned Mushrooms, Level 32-40 Wild Boars, Level 35-50 Evil Eyes Or Level 35-50 Cursed Eyes Level 40-45 Dangerous Valley, Level 45-50 Sleepywood Dungeon III,IV, or V with a party, Level 45-52 Drakes Hunting Ground, or Entrance of Stone Golem Temple, Level 48-50 Hot Sand (Lorangs Clangs and Umtis)
Level 52-60 Wild Cargos Area, Dangerous Crokos II, or Drakes Meal Table, or if
you have a party Tauromacis
Level 60-70 Tauromacis, Taurospears, Cargos, Drakes Meal Table, Wild Cargos
Area, and anywhere else you want to kill
* I've put different areas of where you can train because, sometimes you might
get bored. From alot of experience (and pissing off Shoy) I put alot of places
you can train so you won't get bored all the time
for alot of the warrior information
Xephon's Spearman
Faq for alot of useful information
Other useful Links:
Luffy's guide to hidden streets you might not know is

Questions and Answers

1. I heard that you should only get 19 Mastery, but your guide says 20.
A: Well, Lvl 20 mastery does NOT add damage, but it adds 1 more Accuracy, which is useful and for 1 acc, you need 1-2 more dex for just 1 more acc
A: Iron body is like. You’re wearing armor if maxed. The 40 more defence boosts can help you a lot; reducing around 20 damage which can save a lot of potions.I Iron Will though adds 20 Def and 20 Mdef. Both are good but, a lot of monsters have physical damage, and you'll probably fight a lot of them. If you want more mdef, just use Ancient Saps, etc anyway, if you want to buy maplestory mesos to get better equips in free market, you can do it, thats your choice, and there is always a site sell cheap maplestory mesos, that is
**Note** It's your decision on what you will choose to use, to me, both are good, but I prefer Iron Body. If you do want Iron Will, then that's your decision, just replace the last points to iron will instead of body and your set. And good luck to play.

3. At level 30-70 I hear people saying putting 5 str each level until 35 to wear your gloves, and then some weird way to distribute your other stat pointsA: At level 35, if you do the 4 Str, 1 Dex method, then you will have 120 Str, 5 short of the Dark Briggons, but, you can get +Str, from armors such as White Cross Chainmails to boost your str to wear the gloves.

4. Can you redo the stat distribution? Because by level 40, you only have 140 STR, but you need 150 to wear Adamantine Knuckles
A: I know the lvl 40 gloves needs 150 STR, when I was level 40, I only had 140, but your level 40 equip should boost your STR enough to wear your gloves. Even if you don't get enough STR by your things, your next levels will allow you to.
5. I wanna go full spear, but there is no spear for level 20-30, is polearm the same or does it make difference?
A: Actually, there is a level 20 spear called 'Fish Spear' and Bubblings drop them. For the most part, it doesn't matter if you use a spear or polearm at levels 20-30, anything that you can kill with is fine. there are also lots of awesome equipments in maplestory, but it requires maplestory nx cash, or mesos to buy, anyway, if you want to buy cheap maplestory nx cash or buy cheap maplestory mesos, is always your best choice.
Now enjoy your spearman, by the way, there is one more thing I need to mention, in maplestory accounts for sale site, spearman class is always popular, if you are looking for selling maplestory account to, I believe you will get good offer, good luck for maplestory accounts selling if you do.

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